
Metaverse Coin Supercycle May Start Soon: An Open Letter By Cicero Compass

Many of you may doubt but 100 K BTC is inevitable, it’s based on metrics and data. Gaming Metaverse coins will go parabolic and it’s definitely the place to be. It acted as a safe haven even during the BTC fall, so metaverse coins will be on the rise. Metaverse Play2Earn games are the future. And it is the crypto asset you can think of holding long-term.


You may ask when this supercycle will come? When it comes, there is no guess but it’s very difficult to predict a timeline, that is all based on guessing.

As per my estimation, this supercycle may come anytime soon, even in the next 60 days or so. However, this bull-cycle is unlike all the previous bull-cycle, particularly because of the COVID situation. It is a good thing.

The COVID situation has shifted the world economy in a drastic way and you must also understand that the market is based on human emotion and patterns and these patterns are formed as a habit. You will see similarities time and again.

However, the COVID situation has broken every pattern of the world. With a broken pattern, it has pulled many people out of their comfort zone to open up their minds, innovate, and do many things in the name of progress.

Particularly in the fast-moving crypto industry. It’s certainly a lucrative space that has attracted a lot of new investors, especially as many people are starting to look for ways to make money. Moreover, people are also looking for some more ways of escape, such as travel, gambling, movies, drinking, drugs, video games and many more.

With the COVID situation, the discretionary money is less spent on travelling and casinos, this money has found its way into cryptos and stocks markets.

With all the news and attention Cryptocurrency is getting, more and more people will start dumping money in the crypto space. These are the retail investors, also known as fishes. The whales know this and therefore, they have been preparing the whole year for this upcoming supercycle.

This bull-cycle may be very different from the rest and it may last much longer, even beyond my anticipation. Whales are preparing for something big to happen.

It’s time to ignore the drama in between and see what’s happening in between. So, stop asking and keep thinking long-term. Ignore the drama in between. When I said guaranteed, it means to stop asking if it’s still on. Guaranteed means it won’t change. It is set. It’s like you already know the end of the movie. This is a macro analysis call that may happen anytime from now or may even possibly take months to happen.

Lasting wealth is only for patience. If u want short term micro trades, wait till the supercycle is over.

We will short the market. But for now, the risk of doing leverage trading is too high and not worth it. The risk is not in losing money. The risk is missing out on the supercycle just because of short term greed. Be patient my friends.

Vikash Kumar

An investor with more than 15 years of experience in the market. I m deeply interested in positional and momentum-based trading strategies and love learning strategies and backtesting.

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